Excel add-in new Feature with the Infront Professional Terminal
Our Excel Add-in is an advanced equity and sector analytics plug-in that allows you to create multiple company tables containing financial statements, estimates, multiples and ratios for all listed companies.

Here is a brief overview of the new features:
- Advanced calculations : Users can easily retrieve advanced calculations, using the INFGET() function and Panel for items such as VWAP, Performance, Cumulative Volume and Average on different periods of time based on a reference date. Even the YTD period will be available soon (next version to be released)
- Template availability on INFGET() Panel: A roll-over button will now return more information directly from the panel such as company templates (Industrial, bank, insurance or the field availability).
- Display of error messages: User can now choose to display either the Excel error codes (#N/A) or the detailed text message of the error by checking the option present in the Excel Infront Ribbon
- Array formulas: Users can easily retrieve an array of values/items directly by using these new functions
- INFGETHIST() to retrieve a history of time series points, such as Dividends, Target Price, Close
- INFGETTABLE() to retrieve the company details (Top 5 Officers, Top 5 Shareholders or the latest upcoming events) or the company estimates (annual or interim data)
- New models in the Analytics Library: New models are available for the INFGET() templates
- Installation process improvements: The Excel Add-In now handles proxy configuration and can be installed on a server configuration via the dedicated installer
We source our fundamental data from WVB (World Vest Best) and FactSet. You can obtain fundamental data going back up to 30 years.
Please note that you will have access to our Excel Add-in if you use our Infront Professional Terminal with the Analytics Module.
Learn how to use the Infront Professional Terminal Add-In Module. To the Tutorial.
Click here to learn about the latest releases in our Help Center: To the release notes.
If you do not have access to the Help center or if you wish more information, please contact our customer service: support@infrontfinance.com