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Oslo, 28/09/2021

Norwegian text follows


Information letter – merger of Oslo Market Solutions AS and Infront AS

Oslo Market Solutions AS is planning a merger with transfer to its only shareholder, Infront AS (reg. no. 979 806 787).

All assets, rights, obligations, and agreements in Oslo Market Solutions AS will be carried over to Infront AS, and Oslo Market Solutions AS will be dissolved because of the merger. Infront AS will continue to carry out Oslo Market Solution AS' business in its entirety.

It is intended that the merger will be completed in mid-January 2022.

The merger does not lead to any changes for Oslo Market Solutions AS' customers, suppliers, or others with relation to the company, and existing agreements will be continued unchanged as today. 


Best regards,

Oslo Market Solutions AS
Mikael Leckborn - Acting CEO

Infront AS
Kristian Nesbak - CEO



Informasjonsbrev – fusjon av Oslo Market Solutions AS og Infront AS 

Oslo Market Solutions AS planlegger en fusjon med overføring til selskapets eneste aksjonær, Infront AS (org. no. 979 806 787).

Alle eiendeler, rettigheter, forpliktelser og avtaler mv. i Oslo Market Solutions AS vil ved fusjonen bli videreført til Infront AS, og Oslo Market Solutions AS vil bli oppløst ved fusjonens ikrafttredelse. Infront AS vil videreføre Oslo Market Solutions AS' virksomhet i sin helhet.

Det tas sikte på at fusjonen gjennomføres i midten av januar 2022.

Fusjonen innebærer ingen endringer for Oslo Market Solutions AS' kunder, leverandører eller andre som selskapet har en relasjon til, og eksisterende avtaler videreføres uendret som i dag.


Med vennlig hilsen,

Oslo Market Solutions AS
Mikael Leckborn - Acting CEO

Infront AS
Kristian Nesbak - CEO

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